Friday, February 9, 2018

Calculating factorial in Erlang

Some ways of calculating factorial with Erlang

We use  Erlang to write a program that calculate factorial. Sequential Erlang is a functional language. We calculate a factorial by recursion as usual:

Given a non-zero integer N, fact of N is N multiply by fact of (N - 1).

fact1(0) -> 1;
fact1(N) when N >= 0 -> N * fact (N-1)

Yet the function fact1 is not tail recursive. We do the optimization part by passing an accumulator as
additional argument.

fact2(N) when N >= 0 -> fact2(N, 1).

fact2(0, Acc) -> Acc;
fact2(N, Acc) -> fact (N-1, Acc * N).

Is fact2 scalable? The code is plainly sequential; the execution time would remain the same whether fact2 is run on one-core or multicores machine.

There are several ways for parallelizing this code, for instance, dividing [1..N] into smaller ranges to which they can be evaluated concurrently.  Nevertheless in the following, let's see a classical (not necessary efficient!) implementation of factorial.

We have three types of Erlang processes, a customer who needs to obtain fact of N, sends N and its address to the rec_factorial service. the rec_factorial on receiving a tuple (N, Cust), creates a helper process rec_customer that on receiving an integer K, sends the result N*K to Cust. rec_fact then sends to itself a message for evaluating the factorial of N - 1, and sends the result to the rec_customer it has just created.

fact(N) ->
    Fact = spawn(fun rec_fact/0),
    Fact ! {N, self()},
 Ret -> Ret

rec_fact() ->
 {N, Cust} when N == 0 ->
     Cust ! 1;
 {N, Cust} ->
     C = spawn(fun() -> rec_cust(Cust, N) end),
     self() ! {N - 1, C}

rec_cust(Cust, N) ->
 K ->
     Cust ! N * K

This version creates N rec_cust processes that waits on a incoming integer to start the work.  It can be seen that the actual evaluation happens when N decrease to 0. At that time, the last created rec_cust receiving value 1 from rec_fact and kicks in the chain of rec_custs which was created before it. Eventually this chain collapsed to the first created rec_cust that sends the fact N to the customer!